Thursday 17 February 2011

Richard Sweeney Workshop 2

In this second workshop we developed the techniques we learnt previously, but this time we were able to enhance the complications of the paper sculptures as we were allowed to use glue or tape. Which made it a lot easier for us as beginers to create more detailed designs. As one of the hardest things i found about paper manipulation was actually getting the paper to join together through the use of tabs or cuttings.

I am yet to upload photos of natural forms I want to base my paper sculptures around, however I attempted to make designs that resembled a flower, or petals.

Here are the sculptures I made during the workshop.

This was created using the simple 'score' technique Richard showed us. It involves gently grazing the knife across the paper from one corner to another, then simply folding over the paper.

Here I layered up the paper to try to create the shape of a rose flower. It also holds a strong repetitive theme because of the upwards twirling shape of the paper. I had to use tape on the bottom layer as I was struggling to use the tab method to hold it together.

Below is another design i made during the workshop, however I don't particularly like it as it doesnt really follow the rule of repeat. I was just experimenting with a few more of the paper manipulation techniques Richard taught us that afternoon.

No tape or glue was needed to create the above designs, it was completely random however so not really in fitting with the theme 'repeat.'

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